Hans прислал вместе с QSL лазерный диск, на котором поместил много прекрасных фотографий своего QTH, звуковые файлы пайлапов на 2 м диапазоне, детальные фото аппаратуры, скриншоты программы WSJT во время лунной связи, подробно описал обстановку у себя дома и все обстоятельства нашего QSO.

Hello Sergey !

Many thanks for the Eme Qso !

Own Homepage is to many work for me and i use a mini CD
for info about Qso details and background here.

The mini-disk containing the details of our Qso and 90 ~ jpeg?s around the station.
Look or decode with JT65 /spectran your waves.

You can look around my Qth from 16 mtr. Firtree the highest point in my garden,from 90 to 240 degree is very poor during negativ
moon declination and also tropo because the center of the Eme antenna is 6mtr lower and the Hill go 60mtr. higher.

You see many noise sources around.What you not can see is the
TV and FM Cabelnet.with many leaking points in Houses around.
Cabel TV Channel S6 alltime present with noise floor and carriers
on 144mc.

6 mtr. is here no permit because 7000mtr. away on 48,240MC
is a high Power TV-Transmitter in use.
48,240 x 3 = 144,720Mc S9+ and every 15,5/45khz is a carrier.
Catastrophe to50/60degrees VK/ZL window :-(

All Ham?s waiting here for Qrt,maybe in 2010.
1200mtr away is a 300 mtr. high tower with TV,BC and many
other Transmitter?s. 88Mc-108MC 149Mc-700MC
And the Mediumwave TX on 1422Kc make the rest,
4600mtr.away using now 600KW. MFJ SWR Analyzer 259
every time overload.

Here i can only use two Cavitypreamp?s without filter
in front,my homemade with MGF 1801 and K3TV LNA NB.
K3TV LNA EME Cavity preamp i use him
with coaxial filter in front,then work?s good.
All others:SSB Elekt.,Landwehr and some hombrew is
impossible to use.

Here now the Log
035500 2 -30 1.1 390 13 # O ?
035500 1 -29 3.2 -234 18 # O ?
035700 0 -33 1.1 -203 25
035900 0 -33 4.9 -187 28
040100 3 -28 4.6 -169 13 *
040300 0 -32 4.3 -160 49
040500 0 -31 4.2 -159 11
040700 0 -31 4.8 -151 10
040900 1 -29 4.2 -150 7 # O ?
041100 0 -33 -0.7 -236 21
041300 0 -33 4.7 -182 18
041500 0 -33 4.5 -130 51
041700 0 -33 -0.8 -160 7
041900 1 -30 4.1 -159 29 # O ?
042100 0 -33 0.6 -110 32
042300 2 -26 4.2 -160 6 # O ?
042500 1 -26 4.4 -164 6 # O ?
042500 2 6/16 in AVG DL8GP RA3IS KO76
042700 7 -26 -166 10 RRR
042900 3 -28 -167 12 RRR
043100 9 -25 -171 8 RRR
043300 9 -25 -175 2 RRR
043500 4 -27 -178 6 RRR
043700 2 -29 -175 11 RRR
043900 4 -27 -177 21 RRR
044100 6 -26 -176 12 RRR
044300 6 -26 -179 3 RRR
044500 6 -26 -181 11 RRR
044700 0 -32 -0.4 -185 12
044900 4 -27 -182 19 RRR
045100 3 -28 -186 31 RRR
045300 3 -28 -186 31 RRR
045500 10 -24 -188 6 RRR
045700 5 -27 -190 8 73
045900 8 -25 -195 4 73

i play with your waves with 4.9 and see the resultat:
use freeze -170 and sync 0
both calls fast in AVG

best 73 Hans DL8GP